Drilling Waste Management
F.B.G. Services & Equipment
Drilling Waste Management Services
FBG are the only company offering a complete handling and disposal service to the on-shore drilling industry. This encompasses everything from mud pit cleaning to cuttings disposal using our handling equipment and on-site operatives.
These fully licensed on-site operatives run our equipment whilst monitoring and managing waste disposal in synchronisation with the rigs timetable therefore helping to create a smooth running drilling timetable.
FBG perform regular sampling and testing of drill cuttings and fluids waste streams. Testing is carried out by accredited independent analysis companies such as Alcontrol, the company used by the environmental protection agency.
Third-party licensed transport companies are utilised to move waste to the pre-approved waste disposal facility. FBG’s on site services are designed to maximize the environmental hierarchy, we perform on site solid liquid separation, to recover as much expensive drilling fluids as possible for reuse on the site. Solids are generally taken to facilities that conduct composting and soil improvement programmes, for FBG, disposal of waste is the last resort and only used when there are no recycling / reuse processing facilities within a reasonable distance to the work site.
All our employees hold current licenses for the following:
- Fork Lift (HSE Approved)
- Excavators (HSE Approved)
- Lorry Loader (ALLMI)
- Confined space with Self-Rescue
- Breathing Apparatus
- Passport to Safety (ECITB)
- First Aid Appointed Persons (HSE Approved)
- E.A Waste Carrier Licence